Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Why The South Suffered A Major Downfall - 1568 Words

There were various reasons as to why the South suffered a major downfall, and loss in the American Civil War. The South did have several advantages from its vast amount of land, to its trained soldiers who possessed many skills, to its knowledge of the land since it was familiar land to them. However, the North had various advantages from it advantages in both their amount in soldiers and resources, to the having great financial resources, to being higher than the South industrially, to having a strong navy, and to having more railroad systems and a greater leader. Both also had disadvantages, from the South having fewer factories, to having a smaller population compared to the North because almost one-third of the population was made up†¦show more content†¦The last reason would be they were outnumbered or basically outmanned, and lacked in resources, factories, and transportation that would help them during wartime, compared to the North. So basically the three reasons the North won and the South lost was because of the economy and financing, overpowering manpower of the south, and centralized government, or lack thereof by the South. â€Å"For better or worse, the political philosophies underlying the creation of the Confederate States of America, with its emphasis upon a strong state and a weak central government, coupled with its vast investments in a slave-labor-based agricultural economy, meant that the South had neither the ability nor the desire to develop the kind of industrial economy or centralized financial system required to sustain a â€Å"modern† war. By contrast, the Union’s willingness and ability to vastly increase the influence and footprint of the federal government not only contributed directly to its military success in the war, but it also transformed many other areas of national life, including industrial, economic, agricultural, mechanical, and financial realms.† (â€Å"Industry and Economy during the Civil War†) The Confederates States of America, was established by eleven states that left the Union. The Constitution for the Confederacy protected slavery, by vie wing slaves as mere property. Also, they were devoted to a free market. The South believed in states’ rights. â€Å"A consistent source of tension was

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Pit-Bull Case Free Essays

Legislation over the long-standing debate regarding the safety of housing Pit Bulls continues between pro Pit-Bull advocates and those fearing for their safety throughout Canada. Today, the issue of housing large, potentially dangerous dogs in the city has reached pivotal concern. A course of action is necessary. We will write a custom essay sample on Pit-Bull Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now The level of concern surrounding Pit Bulls is greater than the concern over other dangerous domesticated dogs. There are, however, people who enjoy having Pit Bulls as pets. Pit Bull owners constitute a smaller percentage of people in comparison to those with concern over a Pit Bull’s safety. It comes down to pure fear over these life-threatening dogs. Yes, the anti-Pit Bull contingency has a voice, and with justifiable concern. Evaluation is in order regarding the pros and cons surrounding this issue. This position paper will clearly show that all breeds of Pit Bulls should not be housed in cities throughout Canada. There are many breeds of Pit Bulls—all of which can be threatening. The various breeds of other dangerous domesticated dogs are even larger. Lawyer Clayton Ruby argues the legislation. He sites the following: since 1983 there were 23 dog attacks in Canada that led to fatality. Of these 23 attacks, only one involved a Pit Bull. Thus, according to Mr. Ruby, legislation needs to be written governing all dangerous dogs, and not just Pit Bulls. The slant here, however, will be focused on developing legislation that will make it illegal to own a Pit Bull if you reside in a major city in Canada’s surrounding Provinces. First, we must consider the levels of all dog aggression in comparison to Pit Bulls’ aggression. The least dangerous level is called the submissive level. It includes dogs that display very little signs of aggression. Dogs of this nature tend to roll over when challenged and they will not respond with aggression. No Pit-Bull, regardless of breed, meets these criteria. The next level of dog aggression is known as the generic level. This level of dog aggression only demonstrates hostility if another angered dog approaches it. At this level, if attacked, a generic dog will respond with just enough tenacity to repel the instigating dog from its assault. Again, there isn’t a single Pit Bull that is calm enough to match this non-threatening level. The next level of aggression meets the characteristics of a Pit Bull Terrier. This Pit Bull, labeled a happy-normal-Pit-Bull-Terrier, is a dog that only displays aggression when challenged. This dog will respond aggressively. The only way to separate an aggressive Pit Bull Terrier is by using a ‘break-stick’ level of restraint. These restraining traits must be learned from trained specialists. Here in lies our first red flag. If even the most receptive breed of Pit Bull has a tendency for hostility, it is not feasible to consider Pit Bulls as an environmentally-safe pet, especially in the confines of a city. Pit Bulls at their most obedient level will always attempt to make friends with new dogs. This unreserved level of sociability in a Pit Bull can be the catalyst that leads to aggressiveness and fighting, or even death. When we add a Pit Bull that lives in a crowded city, the situation becomes grave and the opportunity for an unfortunate incident increases. It’s important to point out that even the friendliest Pit Bull will not tolerate aggressive behavior. If, for example, a Pit Bull is led through a small city park where people take dogs and children to play, there is a greater chance for altercation. Even if leash-restrained Pit Bulls are led through a city, the opportunity for an unfortunate encounter, on any given sidewalk might occur. Dogs, by nature, tend to gravitate toward one another. This curious sniffing can lead to danger if a Pit Bull is involved. The next level of Pit Bill is known as the average Pit Bull. These dogs will exhibit aggression toward strange dogs of the same sex while acting cautious around dogs of the opposite sex. If an average Pit Bull is challenged, they will counter with aggression. Physical intervention is necessary to separate a fight. Lastly, we come to the dog-aggressive-Pit-Bull. Pits at this level can live with other dogs but will attack any strange dogs (strange refers to any dog unfamiliar to a Pit Bull). Again, the only means of alleviating aggressive encounters between dogs at this level of aggression is by physical intervention. The fights can be very serious. There are a large number of variables that can occur to a Pit Bull in a city that would lead to aggression. Sometimes it only takes curiosity from neighboring dogs or young children to initiate a Pit Bull’s innate sense for violent tendencies. Legislation that does not allow city-dwellers to own a Pit Bull needs to pass. So many people live together in tight quarters in Canadian cities. This makes it an unsafe region for Pit Bulls. This legislation must come to action before another person or animal is maimed or killed by these instinctively dangerous dogs. How to cite Pit-Bull Case, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility for Volkswagen-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCorporate Social Responsibility for Volkswagen Company. Answer: Corporate Social Responsibility forms an important part of the overall business strategy of the various business organizations (Epstein and Buhovac 2014, 2-78). Furthermore, an effective management of the shareholders is another important part of the overall business strategy of the various business organizations. It is significant to note that the shareholders are the investors who have made an investment into the concerned business organization and thereby take an active interest in the diverse business activities of the concerned business organizations (Pless, Maak, and Stahl 2012, 873-903). The effective management of the relationship with these diverse shareholders thus becomes very important for the various business organizations. However, in the opinion of many people the various employees of the concerned business organizations form a more important part of the business organization than the shareholders whom the managers or the leaders of the concerned business organization gets to meet only once or twice a year (Pless, Maak, and Stahl 2012, 873-903). In addition to that, many people are of the opinion that the various employees contribute more towards to the overall growth as well as the development of the concerned business organization (Cheng, Loannou, and Serafeim 2014, 1-23). This particular essay intends to shed light on the statement of the particular statement of the CEO of Volkswagen Why should I care about the shareholders, who I see once a year at the general meeting. It is much more important that I care about the employees; I see them every day and the concept of corporate governance. The paper will more specifically focus on the unethical use of the defeat device which the company Volkswagen used to manipulate the emission rates of the vehicles manufactured by it. Corporate Social Responsibility or more commonly called by the name of CSR can be defined as the process by means of which the various business organizations functions as a self-regulatory mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards and national or international norms (Cheng, Loannou, and Serafeim 2014, 1-23). Thus, the various business organizations form their own regulatory bodies by means of which they form their regulatory bodies which functions just like a sovereign would rule their empire (Schwartz 2017, 10-51). Furthermore, these regulatory bodies are in compliance with the various international rules as well as regulations and thus they are used by the various business organizations for the resolution of the various conflicts and the crisis events which the various business organizations often face (Pless, Maak, and Stahl 2012, 873-903). In the opinion of many scholars, corporations increase long-term p rofits by operating with a CSR perspective, while critics argue that CSR distracts from businesses' economic role (The Globe And Mail 2018). Furthermore, the CSR is also indicative of the social responsibility which a particular business organization has towards the society. It is commonly seen that the various business organizations take the help of effective corporate social responsibility to not only further the interests of their business organizations but also to create a positive brand image for themselves. Thus, it is often seen that the various business organizations often indulge in various creative activities to create a better brand image for themselves. Therefore, it is often seen that the various business organizations also try to promote the various precepts of the environmental legislations in the corporate social responsibility programs in a bid not only to create a positive brand image for the company concerned but also to contribute towards the cause of the environ ment. Thus, it can be said that the various corporate social responsibilities followed by the diverse business organizations are a reflection of the goals as well as the objectives set by the concerned business organization. The company Volkswagen, founded in the year 1937 by the German Labour Front under Adolf Hitler is a German automobile company which specializes in the manufacture of the cars and other vehicles (Volkswagenag.Com 2018). It is significant to note that the company was adjudged the largest automobile company of the world in the year 2016 in terms of the sale volume (Volkswagenag.Com 2018). The literal meaning of the name of the company is "people's car" and therefore the company intends to serve the interests of the common people in the best possible manner (Volkswagenag.Com 2018). However, in the recent times, the company had faced a lot of backlash due to the unethical means which it used not only to enhance the number of vehicles sold by it but also to evade the results of the various regulatory tests. According to a recently published article in The Telegraph (2018), Volkswagen has admitted that 11 million vehicles worldwide were fitted with software to cheat emissions tests, as the scandal moved from beyond the US (Telegraph.Co.Uk 2018). Furthermore, in addition to this, the company is facing fines of $18 billion after accepting it had systematically installed software in VW and Audi diesels since 2009 to deceive regulators who were measuring exhaust fumes (Nytimes.Com 2018). This shocking revelation by the company has put more than 11 million vehicles from all over the world at risk. It is significant to note that the company used software, also called by the name of defeat devices, which when implanted in the cars showed a reduced emission rate than the actual ones that was originally being produced by the cars (Nytimes.Com 2018). This revelation originally put 482,000 cars at risk however later on investigations proved that the company used the same software to evade the tests for more than 11 million vehicles (BBC News 2018). The problem surfaced last November when the company found irregularities in tests to measure carbon dioxide emissions levels that co uld affect about 800,000 cars in Europe - including petrol vehicles (BBC News 2018). However, later investigations unearthed that it was the defeat device used by the company which was causing the problem. Therefore, it can be said that the company in a bid to increase the amount of profit gained by it on an yearly basis put not only the lives of millions of people from different parts of the world at risk but also posed a significant damage to the environment by manipulating the emission rates of the vehicles which it manufactured. Therefore, it would not be too far-fetched to say that this particular policy used by the company was not only unethical but also posed a significant damage to the environment and the lives of the people concerned in the process. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the organization which is entrusted with work of ensuring that the emissions caused by the various vehicles are kept at a minimum level (The Guardian 2018). The official report of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the nation of the United States of America states that cars had been fitted with sophisticated software algorithms which detect when they are undergoing official emissions testing and turn on full emissions controls (The Guardian 2018). It was thus particular defeat device which was enabling the cars to evade the safety tests. It is significant to note that the various nations have levied a fine of more than $18 billion on the company in addition to the set aside 6.5 billion to tackle the problem which is expected to include a huge recall so that the software can be updated (Telegraph.Co.Uk 2018). This particular unethical practice of the company has made millions of vehicles all over the world illegal and also has pu t the lives of billions of people across the world at risk due to the environmental risk which these vehicles are posing to the environment. The Corporate Social Responsibility policies of the company as well as the other strategies which the company takes help of focused more on the increasing the number of sale of the vehicles and thereby the annual profit of the company concerned. The CEO of the company himself said Why should I care about the shareholders, who I see once a year at the general meeting. It is much more important that I care about the employees; I see them every day (Volkswagenag.Com 2018). Thus, it can be said that the policies as well as the strategies of the company are directed more towards the employees who form one of the core components of the company. It is significant to note that this is in stark contrast to the policies followed by the other business organizations which place a greater amount of value on the satisfaction level of the shareholders who have spent not only their capital but also other resources in the company (Epstein and Buhovac 2014, 2-78). Therefore, it would be apt to say tha t the corporate governance policy of the company under discussion places more amount of insistence on the various employees of the company rather than on the diverse shareholders of the company (Epstein and Buhovac 2014, 2-78). In the opinion of many people, this was one of the major factors which contributed to the downfall of the company in the recent times. The employees no doubt forms a very part of the organization concerned however the company by focusing more on the employees developed the strategy which ultimately lead to its downfall. In the opinion of many people, it is true that the primary purpose of the various business organizations is to make money however they should take into consideration the society as well as the planet as well of which they also are a part (Epstein and Buhovac 2014, 2-78). Furthermore, it is significant to note that financial sustainability is more important than the employee sustainability which the company tried to achieve by focusing more on the employees (Kinderman 2013, 701-720). A financially sustainable company could have withstood the backlash the company under discussion experienced recently (Kinderman 2013, 701-720). However, as the company chose to be an employee sustainable company by focusing more on the satisfaction of the employees thus the company was not able to handle the backlash. The company after the incident came to light has taken certain steps which would help the somewhat mitigate the damage which it committed in the course of the many years. First of all the company has decided to revoke all the vehicles which used the technology of defeat device (Kinderman 2013, 701-720). Secondly, the company also has agree set aside a huge sum of more than 6.5 billion in a bid to handle the situation which it has created and is also trying to change the style of governance followed by it for the management of its business operations, which has been attributed as one of the major reasons which lead to the fall of the company (Telegraph.Co.Uk 2018). It is significant to note that in the year 2016 the company was the largest automobile company in the world (Telegraph.Co.Uk 2018). However, after the incident the company lost one third of its shares within a single week and ended up incurring a loss of more than one billion. To conclude, it becomes apparent that corporate social responsibility forms an important part of the various business organizations. It can be said to embody the rules as well as regulations by means of which the various business organizations govern themselves just like a ruler would rule his or her kingdom. Furthermore, it is significant to note that the Corporate Social Responsibility of the various business organizations takes into consideration the various legislative as well as the ethical precepts given by the diverse governmental bodies. Moreover, it is often seen that an effective CSR policy can help the business organization concerned to bring about their overall growth as well as development however an ineffective or misplaced CSR can also bring about the ruin of the company concerned. Thus, it can be said that the concept of corporate social responsibility forms an important part of the various business organizations and the various business organizations often take the h elp of this particular concept to enhance the brand image of their business organization which will help them to have a more wider customer base. References Bchner, Lutz Michael. "Corporate social responsibility and sustainability from a global, European and corporate perspective. Corporate social responsibility and sustainable governance."Eurolimes, Permeability and Impermeability of Socio-Economic Frontiers of the European Union12 (2012). Cheng, Beiting, Ioannis Ioannou, and George Serafeim. "Corporate social responsibility and access to finance."Strategic Management Journal35, no. 1 (2014): 1-23. Dans, Enrique. "Volkswagen and the failure of Corporate Social Responsibility."Forbes Magazine(2015). Epstein, Marc J., and Adriana Rejc Buhovac.Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental, and economic impacts. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2014. Gates, Guilbert, Jack Ewing, Karl Russell, and Derek Watkins. 2018. "How VolkswagenS Defeat Devices Worked".Nytimes.Com. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/business/international/vw-diesel-emissions-scandal-explained.html. Hopkins, Michael.The planetary bargain: Corporate social responsibility matters. Routledge, 2012. Kinderman, Daniel. "Corporate social responsibility in the EU, 19932013: Institutional ambiguity, economic crises, business legitimacy and bureaucratic politics."JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies51, no. 4 (2013): 701-720. Knapton, Sarah. 2018. "Volkswagen Admits 11 Million Cars Worldwide Fitted With Suspect Software".Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/11881970/Volkswagen-admits-11-million-cars-worldwide-fitted-with-suspect-software.html. Neate, Rupert. 2018. "Volkswagen Under Investigation Over Illegal Software That Masks Emissions".The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/sep/18/epa-california-investigate-volkswagen-clean-air-violations. Pless, Nicola M., Thomas Maak, and Gnter K. Stahl. "Promoting corporate social responsibility and sustainable development through management development: What can be learned from international service learning programs?."Human Resource Management51, no. 6 (2012): 873-903. Schneider, Andreas, and Ren Schmidpeter. "Corporate social responsibility."Verantwortliche Unternehmensfhrung in der Praxis, Berlin ua(2012). Schwartz, Mark S.Corporate social responsibility. Routledge, 2017. Strategy. 2018.Volkswagenag.Com. https://www.volkswagenag.com/en/group/strategy.html. Tai, Fang-Mei, and Shu-Hao Chuang. "Corporate social responsibility."Ibusiness6, no. 03 (2014): 117. The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal: A Case Study In Corporate Misbehaviour". 2018.The Globe And Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-commentary/the-vw-emissions-scandala-case-study-in-what-not-to-do/article26550100/. Volkswagen: The Scandal Explained. 2018.BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-34324772.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Social network communication

Social media platform With the current developments in scientific innovations and inventions, there are new ways of communicating, interacting and passing information. Social networks have been used by companies, individuals and in some place the government to share and pass information.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social network communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main reason that has lead to the growth in social media networks is the cost associated and their effectiveness. When something has been posted over the social media, it can easily spread to the intended people. According to Dasf, in modern computerized world, people seem to be more connected to their electronic gadgets that they interact face to face. I have an account with Facebook; this is the account that I use to communicate with my friend, pass information to the world and meet new friends. Regularly, I update my account with w hat I feel should be discussed or I should get views of different people; sometimes it may be a joke and others some serious stuffs. Dasf is of the opinion that new relationships and friendships are developing and growing into new heights through social networks. When I am updating the site and commenting on other peoples posts, I am balancing my online life and offline life; it is worth noting that the site can be â€Å"addictive,† thus I have to ensure that I have budgeted my time wisely that it does not spend my working and reading time (Danah, â€Å"White Flight in Networked Public†). Facebook comments and updates can be accessed to a number of people; the site offers some linkage from one person to another; however to maintain my privacy and shape my public image, I ensure that I post things that are ethically and morally acceptable. They are things that might be happening in the social networks but the way I put the matter in the form of language and tone of the posting is to ensure that I give my opinion and it portrays my high values and respect to other peoples opinions’. On the other hand, my social network site has offered security platform adjustments. A link that allows me to limit the number of people who can see my profile; for example, I have ensured that only my friends have an access to my private information. I also vet my friends before upgrading them to the level of friends who can see my profile.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Dana Boyd is of the opinion that despite the invention of social networks across space, time and geographical areas, then, â€Å"Privacy Is Not Dead,† people can still initiate policies that facilitate privacy and limit the access of private information. The approach that Facebook has taken is one that caters for the needs of all people in the community as well as companies are using the site to advertise their products and promote their works through the sites. However, the community that I interact with are the young people who include my classmates, friends both domestics and those living in the Diaspora, and I am a member of some social groups formed within the social network. The people and the kind of posts that are present in my site can be referred to as college-centered nature; this are mostly on the current situation in the world and what is happening in the college environment. In the words of Dasf, social sites assist people to share updates and information; this is the main role played by my Facebook page. According to Dana Boyd ‘Tastes and aesthetics are not universal but deeply linked to identity and values†, this means that as people interact, they exchange their believes, values, cultures and viewpoints. When this happens, they are likely to create different reaction and help in shaping the users believes. The behavior and cha racter of human beings is shaped by the materials they are exposed to; if they get exposed to materials that is not favorable, then they are likely to develop a deviant behavior. The post over Facebook shapes the users behavior, attitude, and perception. For example, when the site is used to advertise for commodities, then buyers are more likely to be persuaded especially when they see other people comment positively about how the product has changed their lives. On the other hand, if the comments are negatives, a user of the product is more likely to be convinced that the commodity is not good thus stop using the products.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social network communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Among the young, some posts that can initiate some positive values as well as negative ones; for example, a post that shows people rejoicing as they praise God and confession by person on how another person has seen miracles when they follow teaching of God. A youth who has seen life to be hopeless is likely to respond positively to such a post and assist in shaping his attitude and perception in life. On the other hand, there may be a post that seems to promote premarital sex; such posts can persuade a morally upright youth to involve in such practices (Danah, â€Å"Making Sense of Privacy and Publicity†). Circulation vs. Distribution In communication and technology, circulation means the flow of intended information or enriched information from the intended source of the information and then after the flow, the information gets back to the source of information to be enriched or as a feedback. The process is continuous and follows the all processes of effective communication. Distribution on the other hand, means how circulated information gets to the larger community; the large communities are the people who are consume the information after it has been upgraded and c onsidered fit for public consumption. The main difference between circulation and distribution is the number of people involved and the stage at which they get the information. In the case of circulation, the information gets to specific people who are expected to vet the quality of the information and give feedback on areas that it needs to be improved and whether the information is fit for public consumption. On the other hand, distribution goes to the larger community, they are expected to consumer the information as it has been given and only offer feedback by response they give to the communication. For an effective communication, there must be effective methods of circulation and distribution; the effective of the methods determine the degree of success of a certain communication. Both circulation and communication are two-way systems; in circulation, a limited number of people consume the information and gets back to the source for improvement of the information before it get s to the public. In distribution, the response of the target members of the public is the feedback that completes the two-way system.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Works Cited Danah, Boyd. Making Sense of Privacy and Publicity. South by Southwest, March 13 2010. Web. White Flight in Networked Publics? How Race and Class Shaped American Teen Engagement with MySpace and Facebook. Digital Race Anthology, 2009. Web. This essay on Social network communication was written and submitted by user GwenStacy to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Similarities and Differences between the Role of Women in Australia and China

Similarities and Differences between the Role of Women in Australia and China Over the last four decades, there has been a major focus on the roles of female citizens in various countries. Although ranked behind Europe and North America, the Asia-Pacific nations have strived to make significant steps towards recognizing the role of women in their socioeconomic and political systems (Cotter, 79). Australia and China are some of the nations that have demonstrated evidence of the changing roles of women. In particular, Australia ranks third behind New Zealand and Philippines.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Similarities and Differences between the Role of Women in Australia and China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although China performs poorly in terms of empowering women in all leadership sectors, recent evidence suggests that women in the country are increasingly taking various positions in corporate, social, academic and other fields. Arguably, Chinese and Australian women are increasingly taking the advantage of fast growing economies and social transitions in their countries to improve their welfare and equality, albeit in comparably different ways. The feminism movements of the late 19th century and 20th century produced a profound impact on how the Australian societies perceive women. After gaining the rights to vote and to stand for parliamentary positions in the late 19th century, feminism movements in Australia focused on achieving equality in other areas such as labour, leadership in social and civil sectors, business and corporate, security and military fields (Genardini 34). In the modern world, Australian women are ranked among the most learned females in the region, alongside their counterparts from Philippines and New Zealand. It is worth noting that Australian women have achieved almost equal recognition as potential employees in most sectors. In fact, it has been shown that only a few job categories are considered â€Å"men jobs† in the modern wo rld. In addition, a number of legislations have been established with an aim of protecting females from gender-based discrimination in education and labour. These factors have contributed to an increase in the number of women competing with their male counterparts at work and in labour market every year. However, human rights commission of Australia (1) provides statistical evidence that women are yet to achieve the desired standards of equality at work. For instance, statistics show that women make about 57% of the total employees of the commonwealth public service. In 2010, the federal government set a target of 40% of all positions in the government boards for women, which is equal to the positions set for men. Apart from these boards, the target also applies to a number of other areas such as government business and private-public sectors. However, a good number of boards have less women members than 40% (Greig, Frank and White 51).Advertising Looking for essay on histor y? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In politics and political leadership, the role of women in Australia has become evidence. The political role of women has changed over the last three decades. For instance, a number of women have successfully vied for local and parliamentary positions at the state and federal region. Moreover, women occupy about 24% of the elected members of the House of Representatives and about 38% of the national senate. This is an indication that women roles have gained positive attention form the society. It is worth noting that the election of Julia Gillard as the first female prime Minister of Australia provides evidence of the changing perceptions that the society has for women. In academia, Australian women occupy more than 42% of the total lecturing and leading positions in public universities. However, women have not achieved the expected 40% of the number of professors in public universities. Th is is an indication that males continue to dominate in the academic field. In law, statistics have shown that women have overtaken men in terms of the number of individuals graduating with law degrees every year. For instance, about 61% of all law graduates in the country are women. However, they hold only 20% of the senior positions in private law firms, which shows that women roles in the field need more attention. Moreover, women occupy only 16% of the total positions in the federal court. Despite these achievements, a number of factors hinder the improvement and recognition of the role of women in public and private sectors. For instance, women bear the largest burden of child rearing. A large number of Australian women remain at home taking care of their children and families, despite having equal chances of employment and leadership with their male counterparts. Secondly, aboriginal women are still considered as subjects of their male counterparts in their societies. They are supposed to perform the roles of housekeeping and child rearing rather than seeking education and leadership positions. Like Australia, the role of women in China has evolved from the traditional belief that women’s role is only at home and child rearing to a modern paradigm that allows women to participate in socioeconomic development.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Similarities and Differences between the Role of Women in Australia and China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In labour and workforce, women in China perform better compared to their Australian counterparts. For instance, studies have shown that about 45% of the total working population comprises of women (Li 12). In addition, more than 80% of women who graduate from national and regional universities in China find jobs in the local market (Matthews and Nee128) However, Chinese women bear the burden of illiteracy when compared to Australian fem ales. For instance, a large number of rural women in China are illiterate and poor than males. This is not common in Australia, where females and males in the rural areas have equal chances of education and jobs. Australia performs better than China in terms of empowering women to participate in politics and political leadership. In fact, there is a severe underrepresentation of Chinese females in all political settings. While Australia has experienced women leadership, including a Prime Minister, no Chinese woman has ever made it to the top level of political decision-making bodies, including the Communist Party. Moreover, the Chinese cabinet is primarily made of men. In fact, most regimes have maintained a low number of women ministers (Tamney 81). For example, the Chinese cabinet had only three women by 2011. In fact, recent statistics indicate that Chinese women shy away from competing with men in politics, especially in the parliament. However, Chinese women have better and lea ding roles in business and corporate fields. Studies have shown that legalization of divorce and abortion in China has improved women rights (Jeffreys 67). In turn, this has empowered women. It has enabled them to run businesses, seek board membership in corporations and own companies. In conclusion, women in Australia and China have significantly similar roles and positions in the society and family. Women rights and responsibilities have also evolved over time in the two nations, resulting into a new perception of their abilities and roles. Cotter, Mooney. Gender Injustice: An International Comparative Analysis of Equality in Employment. Sydney, Ashgate, 2010. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Genardini, Nancy. A Womans Place: The Role of Women in Australian Society. Sydney: Lloyd O’Neil, 2007. Print. Greig, Alastair Frank Lewins and Kevin White. Inequality in Australia. Sydney, Ashgate, 2011. Print. Jeffreys, Elaine. Sex and Sexuality in China. London, Routledge, 2010. Print Li, Xiaorong. Gender Inequality in China and Cultural Relativismin Women, Culture and Development: A Study of Human Capabilities. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005. Print. Matthews, Rebecca and Victor Nee. Gender inequality and economic growth in rural China. Social Science Research, 29. 4 (2000): 606–632. Print Tamney, Joseph. Modernization, Globalization, and Confucianism in Chinese Societies. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2011. Print.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Caring Is the Fundamental of Nursing

Discuss About the Caring Is the Fundamental of Nursing? In the provision of healthcare services, nursing care involves the passionate and esteemed caring for patients by the registered nurses or other caregivers. The nursing care may be patient-centered care or the centered family care. The nursing profession gets purely focused on the therapeutic interactions between the patient and the nurses. The nursing care acts as a cornerstone practice in the hastening of the patient healing and provision of holistic care. In simpler terms, caring is the central concept amongst the different nursing concepts in the nursing practice  (Edvardsson, Watt, & Pearce, 2017). Caring as a nursing fundamental seems to be inherent to the nursing practice and emerges from the respect and mutual concern for the patient. Caring implies to the intentional actions, and positive attitudes and the inner feelings which help to shape the professional interactions which got founded between the nurse and patient. The Nursing and Midwifery Professional Practice support s the caring fundamental of nursing in the better service provision for patients. In this essay, I shall discuss the three characteristics of the therapeutic nursing and give a brief description of how such skills may get implemented to improve the therapeutic value of nursing care. Such therapeutic components include empathy, warmth and trust, and the self-awareness. Although in the process of building the therapeutic relations between the patient and nurse, the Ethics Code of Conduct dictates the nurses not to be too close emotionally to the patients and should learn to uphold the virtue of detachment. Empathy is an important and crucial nursing attribute in the therapeutic nurse-client relationship in which the patient suffers from a given condition such as dementia or due to old age. Empathy as a concept has got different definitions, but the one that gets commonly used is the one which defines empathy as a conducive environment created by a nurse. The environment makes the patient feel that his/her grievances are understood and accepted for consideration  (Maruca, Diaz, Kuhnly, & Jeffries, 2015). The nurse shows empathy to the patient through demonstrating the virtue of kindness and warmth. Furthermore, empathy encompasses the spirit of sharing and the creation of an internal vacuum to accept a person. Thus, a person feels cared for, not left lonely and feels his/her problems are well understood and gets care. Empathy concept applies in collaboration with compassion for a patient. Hence, the compassionate care is a product of showing humane concern for a patient and reciprocat ing appropriately to his/her needs with humanity in totality, pain relieving and stress management. In most instances, compassion refers to the act of not only understanding one’s problems but also responding and trying to resolve the issues so as to relieve his/her suffering. Nurses should show empathy and compassion to their patients but should try as much as [possible to retain a greater degree of detachment  (Knowles, Hearne, & Smith, 2015). This would facilitate the nurse’s concern on the patients she/he is caring for to become evident while maintaining the emotional separateness. Through the observance of the detachment policy, the nurse would get protected from losing his/her goals for care and tamper with the possibility of burnout. In most cases, caring which occurs empathetically renders a nurse to appear emotionally vulnerable, and result in the consequences of benefiting the patient at a high cost. Therefore, for effective care, nurses should try to balance between the engagement and the detachment. The skill of empathy may get offered through offering p ieces of training and workshops for the registered nurses  (Bridges, et al., 2013). During the training, nurses get taught the importance of empathy in the nursing care practice. Also, nursing students should get taught on empathy skill in one of their semesters while studying for nursing. Nursing practice usually encompasses the deep interpersonal relationships between the nurses and the patients. In most cases, the patients are optimistic that nurses should be more tender and kind in the provision of the nursing care services. Besides, the patients have higher expectations on the expression of warmth by their nurses. Patients feel warmth most when the nurses do it in a nonverbal behavior. Most of the patients prefer the nonverbal behavior of expressing warmth for them  (Yang, Hargreaves, & Bostrom, 2014). Nurses should show affection to the patients they are caring. The warmth would influence the patient’s outcome. The love shown by nurses would make the patients feel cared for, have companionships to counter loneliness and find someone to share their problems with and by default the nurse. Furthermore, the nurses should work hard to develop trust with their clients. Nurses should follow the Australian Registered Nurses Standards of Practice to acquire patie nt’s information and keep it privately and confidentially  (Arnold & Boggs, 2015). When the patients learn their information is not leaked or shared amongst other patients or the nursing staff, they will develop and build trust on their nurse on duty. With trustworthy, the patients would feel free to share their problems with the nurse on duty with expectations of assistance on the way of solving them. Moreover, patients share even their secrets without fear since they have created trustworthy enough amongst the nurses providing nursing care services. Through, the act of believing and being trustworthy, nurses would just acquire adequate information from the patients  (Mirhaghi, Sharafi, Bazzi, & Hasanzadeh, 2017). Using the obtained information, nurses would analyze and make informed decisions regarding the treatment of the patients. Informed decisions would result in better treatment, and health care services provision since the nurses and specialists would be relying their interventions on the first hand and accurate information got from the admitted client. The warmth and trust skills may get implemented for the betterment of the therapeutic relationships through introducing as a core subject for the nursing students while at school and in nursing placements and also when they get registered as nurses would have practiced it a lot  (Dinc & Gastmans, 2013). The nursing stude nts should get informed of the essential attributes warmth and trust skills have towards a better nursing care. This is a process with an objective for self-examination and is quite crucial and critical in developing the nurse-patient therapeutic relationship. The relationship between the nurse and patient out of self-awareness is essential in the therapeutic healing of patients. Understanding oneself is a vital therapeutic tool for both communication and interpersonal relationship between the nursing care provider and the client  (Van der Riet, Rossiter, Kirby, Dluzewska, & Harmon, 2015). The process of understanding oneself or knowing yourself better is quite a difficult task which is time-consuming and stressful. The process does commence with the conscious awareness and the struggle to bring change via the continuous efforts. Self-awareness is a progressive act and requires more conscious efforts. This therapeutic skill requires the nurses to know more about themselves, and by doing, they would be in a good position to build a better therapeutic environment for the provision of nursing c are services and healing. Self-awareness is important in molding the professional life of a nurse and assist him/her to develop deep critical thinking and in-depth analysis skills.   Lastly, self-awareness creates a viable ground for the nurse either registered, enrolled or student to understand his/her strengths and weakness. It is evident that the much the nurse is self-aware the greater a conducive therapeutic environment for the nursing care get promoted. In nursing practice, the nurses on duty do spend most of the time together with their clients than other fellow health professionals  (Raab, 2014). Thus, self-awareness gets perceived as an essential tool for developing a therapeutic relationship. In accordance to Hildegard Peplau, â€Å"the central task of the most basic professional school of nursing is viewed as the fullest development of the nurse as a person who is aware of how she functions in a situation† (p. 606). The statement of Hildegard Peplau stresses on the necessity for self-awareness in the nursing education and also, in the provision of better nursing care. Therefore, it is quite recommendable that the nursing curricula be reviewed to include some of the aspects of the development of self-awareness  (Leslie, Lonneman, Joa, Testad, & Severinsson, 2015). Moreover, the registe red professional nurses should get an opportunity to get guidance and learn more about self. This should get done in a gradual learning process. Caring is indeed fundamental in the nursing practice, and it gets developed out of the therapeutic nursing. Therapeutic nursing leads to the creation of nurse-client relationship which got termed as a therapeutic relationship. This relationship is important in improving the patient-centered care since it has the basis of mutual trust and respect. Furthermore, it will result out of patient’s faith and hope, the self-sensitivity and feeling for others. In the essay, it is clear that empathy, warmth and trust, and self-awareness are amongst the major therapeutic nursing characteristics necessary for better patient outcome. Compassion encompasses the tender feeling a nurse has toward the suffering of the patient and the response he/she offers. While warmth and trust, show the nurse's closeness with the patient to fight loneliness and developing the patient’s belief and credence. Through trust, a patient would freely share her/his private and confidential with the nurse, thu s, facilitating informed decision making and better treatment. Finally, self-awareness is all about oneself understanding and the nurse’s more knowledge about the patient she/he offers nursing care. Self-awareness is an essential tool in developing the therapeutic relationship. All the three therapeutic nursing characteristics get implemented through either introducing them in the nursing curricula for nursing students or creating opportunities for the registered nurses to attend for training since the therapeutic relationship is a continuous learning process. Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2015).  Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Bridges, J., Nicholson, C., Maben, J., Pope, C., Flatley, M., Wilkinson, C., ... & Tziggili, M. (2013). Capacity for care: meta?ethnography of acute care nurses' experiences of the nurse?patient relationship.  Journal of Advanced Nursing,  69(4), 760-772. Dinà §, L., & Gastmans, C. (2013). Trust in nurse–patient relationships: A literature review.  Nursing ethics,  20(5), 501-516. Edvardsson, D., Watt, E., & Pearce, F. (2017). Patient experiences of caring and person?centredness are associated with perceived nursing care quality.  Journal of Advanced Nursing,  73(1), 217-227. Knowles, S. F., Hearne, J., & Smith, I. (2015). Physical restraint and the therapeutic relationship.  The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology,  26(4), 461-475. Leslie, J. L., & Lonneman, W. (2016). Promoting Trust in the Registered Nurse-Patient Relationship.  Home healthcare now,  34(1), 38-42. Maruca, A. T., Dà ­az, D. A., Kuhnly, J. E., & Jeffries, P. R. (2015). Enhancing empathy in undergraduate nursing students: an experiential ostomate simulation.  Nursing education perspectives,  36(6), 367-371. Mirhaghi, A., Sharafi, S., Bazzi, A., & Hasanzadeh, F. (2017). Therapeutic relationship: Is it still heart of nursing?.  Nursing Reports,  7(1). Raab, K. (2014). Mindfulness, self-compassion, and empathy among health care professionals: a review of the literature.  Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy,  20(3), 95-108. Rortveit, K., Hansen, B., Leiknes, I., Joa, I., Testad, I., & Severinsson, I. E. (2015). Patients' experiences of trust in the patient-nurse relationship-a systematic review of qualitative studies. van der Riet, P., Rossiter, R., Kirby, D., Dluzewska, T., & Harmon, C. (2015). Piloting a stress management and mindfulness program for undergraduate nursing students: Student feedback and lessons learned.  Nurse education today,  35(1), 44-49. Yang, C. P. P., Hargreaves, W. A., & Bostrom, A. (2014). Association of empathy of nursing staff with reduction of seclusion and restraint in psychiatric inpatient care.  Psychiatric Services,  65(2), 251-254.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Read an article and respond to a prompt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Read an article and respond to a prompt - Essay Example These imaginary situations may not meet up with the real world stories every time. Still the use of these fantasy stories is good to teach the student about the real life problems. In other words, we can say that always a happy ending does not make a real sense but the hardships and the strengths of the fictional characters is the true symbol for the children to be idealized in their lives. The use of fairy tales may give a sense to the child that how he can face the problems coming in the life. There are some stories who give some moral lessons to the children. This moral and ethical personality development is very much necessary for the children because their behavior is shaped accordingly. The way of teaching the moral lesson should be impressive so that a child may not get bored or feel uninterested. Usually these fairy tales always make the main characters of the story a very positive, ethical and strong individual who can face any challenge coming in his/her life honestly. There are some stories which includes a step father or a step mother because of the parents death or some other stories in which the parents become old and want to hand over all the property to the most competent child. All of these story themes actually motivate the children to work harder in their lives in order to get success in their lives. The child may learn how the prince of the story achieves the success in the desired task and thus become the King of the state in place of his father. Child may also learn that he can get success in his life if he also work devotedly to achieve the goal of his life. These goals can be small or long term depending upon the situations. Here the important thing is the learning of the child to achieve the goal by hard work and devotion. Another aspect of these fairy tales is that they always end up with the imagination ‘and they lived happily ever after’. The

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Why did you choose Management as your course in college Essay

Why did you choose Management as your course in college - Essay Example This interest because well, I would like to be a boss someday! Who would not want to be a boss anyway? I believe I can be a boss because I know I have a good leadership skill which is required to become a boss. But of course I have to learn the science as well which the course Management will provide. The article succinctly explained what the Management course is all about. That it is â€Å"the coordination of human, material, and financial resources to accomplish organizational goals.† A major in business administration/management will provide that goal†. It was impressed to me that a Management major is about leadership and providing direction which I am really good at. Managers coordinate the resources of an organization from its human resource to its materials to achieve a certain objective of which I am very keen on doing in the future. I also checked on the skill sets required and I particularly liked Management because it encourages one to be a generalist than to be a specialist in order to be effective. It meant, knowing a little of something about a lot of things. The course, as the article explained, is a â€Å"thorough grounding in the theories and principles of accounting, finance, marketing, economics, statistics, human resources functions, and decision-making. You’ll come away a whiz on how to budget, organize, plan, hire, direct, control, and otherwise manage various organizations†.   I am very comfortable with this because it allows me to see the bigger picture of an organization and understand the various functions and relationships of various functions on how it relates to the objective of an organization. Being a generalist, Management majors I believe are easily employable. It is because their knowledge and skill sets are applicable to a lot of areas in an organization. The course involves understanding finance, human resources, leadership and including systems which I could easily fit in when I will be joining a n organization. This adaptability or easy employability is important especially today when jobs are getting rarer. This is course will give me an edge of being easily employed after I graduate college. In addition, Management course is also a good preparation to become a boss in an organization or even run my own business someday. It is because the training and education involved the various aspects of a company which is very applicable in real business. It is unlike other courses that we study which disinterests me because I do not find its use in the real world. The course Management is grounded on business reality and I am sure it will interest me when I am taking the course. The course will also teach me how to become smart in making and handling money which I believe is very important today. It is not enough just to have a job or business but it is also equally important to know how to handle one’s money and finances. I believe this practical skill and knowledge is part of the course Management which would teach me not only how to budget my money but also on how to reinvest them to make more money. Also, the need for Management is everywhere not only in the office or business setting. It can be used in daily life such as planning an event or a project. For example, Management can also be used in organizing parties. I believe there is one aspect in Management called Project Management which teaches students how to organize events and projects and this is very helpful not only in the work setting. The course will not only educate me on how to do a certain job in the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Against Media Censorship Essay Example for Free

Against Media Censorship Essay * On television, music, and most websites, they inform the user about the contents of their website, song, or show; but others (like YouTube) put on age restrictions on them. * I’m sure most of you have had to go through these at some point in your life and have gotten upset when you can’t hear the whole song or watch the whole movie. * I’d like to explain to you all how Media Censorship is in direct violation of the First Amendment and how it can make it harder for kids to learn about certain aspects of life. * The First Amendment is one of our most important Amendments because it allows us, the citizens of the United States, to speak our minds about anything without legal government penalty. * Freedom of speech is no longer considered important to the government. People should be able to express themselves, whether it’s through music, movies, or anything, but instead they have to bleep the cuss for their song to go on the radio and block the inappropriate parts on a movie which can possibly cause a loss in entertainment or power in the message * The morals of people that have been hidden information from and the morals of the people who haven’t been hidden from are completely different. If certain things are hidden from people, then that gives people a curiosity in the subject and may cause people the use of illegal actions to obtain it. * Education isn’t something for kids need to be censored from. * People are curious about life and feel they need to learn more about it, if everything was censored then this can cause parents to be in uncomfortable situations and cause kids to ask more questions. * The government shouldn’t have to tell people what they can and can’t watch or listen to; this should be up to the person or the parents of that particular person. * The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) monitors every radio station, Television broadcast, and music broadcast to make sure that nothing inappropriate is said on the broadcast that they think may ruin the mind of the listeners. * Most music is censored while there are few artists that refuse to censor their music, and nearly all movies are also censored. * The First Amendment states that you have a freedom of speech and the FCC shouldnt be able to take that away. People can be better educated on topics if nothing is censored. * The sound of music and the graphics of movies are some things you all would most likely want to keep. * In conclusion, The media should not be censored and should not be allowed to be censored.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

gender Essay -- essays research papers

Introduction Women have come a long way in the area of the workforce in the past one hundred years. If you were to look back one hundred years ago, you would never see a woman working outside of the home. Society had the idea that a woman's place was in the home cooking, cleaning, reproducing and care giving. They had the idea that there was no place for her in the workforce because that was a place for only men. Yes, it is true that some people may still have this view today but a lot of things have changed over the years. Women are no longer only restricted to working in the home doing domestic chores. However, this did not come easily but rather after many years of fighting to get the same rights as men. Slowly women started to enter the workforce fulfilling roles such as secretaries and nurses. It was jobs like these that were viewed as woman's jobs and you would never see a woman doctor, fireman or police officer. Women were still being marginalized into a certain category of jobs. However, women continued their fight and today they fulfill such roles as doctors, fireman and police officers. In this essay, we will focus on the entry of women into the police force. We will not only look at what it took for women to get into the police force but also what types of roles they play in the police force today. In addition, we will look at what roles women hope to play in the police force in the future. By doing this we hope to show you how far women have come in the area of police work in the past one hundred years and how far they will still have to go. History of Women In The Police Force In the past, policing and women were never associated with each other. Policing was a male dominated profession which women were not welcomed to join. However, these biases and unfair beliefs that women were not welcomed in the police force began to change slowly. In the nineteen tens and twenties woman began to be employed by the police forces. Women's social groups began to lobby that women should be able to be employed by police forces. With all of the support groups that women were involved in, pressure began to mount for there to be a representation of women in male dominated police forces. The first women police officer in Canada was sworn in the Vancouver police force in 1912. "1912: Vancouver - Mrs. Lurancy Harris and Miss Miller were sworn in as 4th clas... ...rk. This includes such jobs as police chiefs, police sergeants and deputy police chiefs. However, they will only be able to prove themselves to the public and the police force if they are given the same chances as men to obtain these positions! Reference Page Cohn, Alvin W. 1978. The Future of Policing. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage publications Inc. Hernandez, E. 1982. Females in Law Enforcement. Femininity, Competence, Attraction, and Work Acceptance. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 9, 1:13-34 Kearney, Katherine G. White & Thomas. Men & Women at Work LeBeuf, Marcel-Eugene & McLean, Julia. 1997. Women in Policing in Canada: Beyond the Year 2000-Its Challenges. Ottawa, On: Canadian Police College. Lunneborg, Patricia W. 1989. Women Police Officers. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas Publishers. Martin, Susan Ehrlich, and Jurik, Nancy C. Doing Justice, Doing Gender. Sage Publications "RCMP Having Trouble Getting and Keeping Female Mounties". Canadian Business & Culture . pg.11. August, 1996. "Survey Suggests Majority of Female Mounties Have Been Sexually Harassed". Canadian Business & Culture. pg.26. September, 1996.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Older people in the society Essay

According to Roberts (1970) older people are the whole of a generation who have survived to a certain age. They are not a deviant group or one small special section of the population. They are ordinary people who happen to have reached a particular age. There are several assumptions made about older people and their health. The first is that increasing age is always accompanied by increasing frailty and disability. As a result, the increasing numbers of older people in society are usually seen as a social and economic burden (Le Grand 1993). The second assumption is that age is that age is always accompanied by ill health. The negative images of aging and older people can be all pervasive and influence decisions about the health and social care of older people which may not necessarily be in their best interest. As per the survey of United States census burro, in the year 2010, 30.8% of total population in Europe was older people aged over 65 years old. Among these, 8.4 percent over 75 years old and 4.9 percent were aged 80 or more than 80 years old. In the year 1990 it was 6.1% and 3.2% respectively, when the total old age population was 23% of total population. These figures prove that the old age population is increasing, and the problems related to old age as well. The first part of this assignment discusses some common issues related to old age. This part mainly focuses on the physical, mental and social problems of senior citizens. Then it goes through some reflective aspects of author. For that I pass through the theories and models of reflection also make an attempt to compare different models of reflection. Finally I examine one of my own experiences with an older person, by using one of the reflective models. Statistics shows that there will be an enormous increase in the ageing population over the next 20 year, particularly in those aged over 75, who will suffer most from illness, or some sort of disability. The population of Great Britain and most other countries is growing older and although this trend has largely been ignored for 2 centauries, it is now regarded as a major political and economic challenge for the future. This is because the last 30years seen a significant increase in the population of both number and proportion of people aged 65 and over. The greatest growth has been in those people aged 85 and over. The world population of older people over 65 will increase more than twice as fast as the total population of the world during  the period 19 96-2000. In every region, the population over 75 will increase at an even faster rate and those over 80 will increase faster of all. There are many health problems related to old age. As per the opinion of Hodkinson (1975) older people differ in three major ways from the young: in the type and number of diseases and accidents, in their reaction to disease and in special features to do with their background (Hodkinson, 1975). They often have a multiplicity of diseases, partly accounted for by the accumulation of non-lethal diseases such as osteoarthritis and deafness. They are more likely to fall than any other age groups, except the under-fives, often with serious consequences. (Department of trade and industry, 1995). Heart disease and stroke are particularly prevalent in old age and the majority of all deaths from heart disease and stroke occur in those aged 65 years and above.Whereas, as a recent study has shown, prevalence rates of most of the major health related behaviors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, sexual behavior and diet were commonly lower among older people (DoH central health monitoring unit, 2006). Psychological or emotional disorders in old people are too common, Older people themselves may be unwilling to seek help or reveal their feelings to others due to a fear of stigma or a lack of knowledge about the help available to them. Chronic diseases, psychological changes, malnutriti on and medication can exacerbate psychological problems in the elderly. Poor eye sight, poor hearing and slower reactions all contributes to a lack of confidence and increased social isolation for some older people. Dementia and depression are the two general psychological disorders in elderly among this dementia is a higher prevalence. According to Victor (1989) it is difficult to accurately estimate the incidence of dementia within the population because of the problem of diagnosis, although unreliable evidence may lead us to believe that most of the population over the age of 65 years is ‘demented’. Aside from the physical and emotional influences accompanying aging, growing old can be a time of social and economic change. For some people in their 50s can be a rich and rewarding time where they can enjoy the fruits of their labors, hand over responsibility for their children and look forward to enjoying new tasks or activities (Gavilan, 1992). For others it may not be such a positive experience, affected by redundancy, financial insecurity,  bereavement and the physical manifestations of aging. Retirement does not only affect an older person’s income but can also have a detrimental effect upon their social contact and status. Most of them consider retirement as a process of loss: loss of inc ome, loss of status, and loss of purpose and routine. In this situation, Jerrome’s (1991) opinion sounds very relevant, he said that there seems to be a paradoxical situation where the state provides money and support for those who are considered too old for employment while those who are receiving the benefits would be happier carrying out a job of any kind. Caring older people is a challenging process, as it is different from caring a younger. When caring an older person it is necessary to observe them well to understand their feelings and emotions. Reflective thinking will help a health practitioner to achieve this. When reflection is considered as an effective tool in clinical practice, one should have a basic knowledge about the meaning of reflection. In fact, defining the terms proves challenging for anyone seeking to make clear the nature of reflection. There have been number of attempts, to define the term reflection by authors, poets and philosophers alike. Among those interpretations, a definition presented by Johns (johns 1995:24) is literally very near to the ‘word’ reflection; he explained reflection as the practitioner’s capability to evaluate, make sense of and learn through personal experience in order to secure more attractive, useful and satisfying work. Moreover, reflective practice has been developed in health care, especially in nursing, as a way of gaining and building up on that experienced knowledge. Before using Reflection as a tool in clinical practice one should (B .J. Taylor 2000:3) â€Å"throw back of thoughts and memories, in cognitive acts such as thinking , contemplation, meditation and any other form of helpful considerations in order to make sense of them and to make appropriate changes if they are required†. As per this suggestion nurses should analyze their day to day practice and secure the valuable knowledge to lighten their future practice. In other words, as an American philosopher Dewey (1963) suggested that one has to learn by doing and realizing what came of what they did. In searching  different studies and opinions about the process reflection, we can find out different opinions about the aspects, styles and ways of using reflection as a tool in professional practice. Schon (1983) offered two main aspects of reflective practice those are; being reflection on action and reflection in action. Reflection on action is a recollection process of thinking and meditating on an action with the aim of making sense of the incident and using the results to improve future doings. It would be helpful, if nurses and health care workers make this theory real in their clinical practice. But the next one, ‘reflection in action’ is quite strange and had some arguments around it. As per the opinion of greenwood (1998) reflection cannot be recognized before action. In contradiction, Reed and Procter (1993) said that, reflective thinking about a situation, which is likely to happen, in advance is an important precursor to introduce clinical leadership and s upervision. In other words thinking through a particular situation may help to make a prediction and give a chance to take some precautions for a future occurring issue. When considering the role of reflection in nursing profession, Taylor (2004) suggested that reflection can be used as a system of thinking which helps the nurses to maintain vigilance in caring especially when caring an older person. Freshwater (2002) raised almost similar opinion he said that, reflection helps to encourage a holistic, individualized approach to care. When go through these opinions, we can understand that reflection helps a lot to give good care to the patient by productively making rapid changes in the clinical approach, in other words, it provides an opportunity for a rapid and progressive refocusing of work activity (Smyth, 1992). Before I make an attempt to assess my reflective account, which has given me a different outlook about old age, I should choose one model of reflection to analyze my experience. There are few theories, help one to explore his/or her clinical experiences or some incidents in which they have taken part a role of a leader, such as Gibbsâ₠¬â„¢(1988) model of reflection, Johns’ model of reflection and Driscoll’s model of structured reflection. Comparing these models, Gibbs’ and Drisoll’s(2000) models raises some questions that are focused on describing, analyzing, evaluating one personal experience and reach a conclusion, from  which finally makes an action plan for the future. Though Johns’ (2002) model appears more complicated and passing through lot of self examine questions, this model fails to draw an action plan which is considered as the vital process of reflective thinking. Even though Gibbs’ and Drissoll’s models are almost same in frame work I like to choose Gibb’s model as it gives me a chance to recollect my feelings and thoughts about my experience, as well as evaluate the good and bad about it. Since we are human beings it is important that our thoughts and feelings are to be memorized and evaluated, according to Taylor (2006) humans have the ability to think and to think about passed emotions, as we are offered with the gifts of memory and reflection. I believe tha t Gibbs’ model has a good frame work and moreover, for me, it is easily applicable in my experience as it is straightforward in nature and it allows me to answer the questions that arise from the practicalities of my clinical experiences. Here I make an attempt to assess one of the main issues of old age on the basis of my own personal experience. I do like to choose Gibbs’ model as a criterion to analyze it. In the first step, as per Gibbs’s model of reflection, ‘description’ of the event includes, what was the event? Where it happened? Who were with you then? What you did? And what were the results and draw backs; the description of my reflective experience is that while I was working in a psychiatric hospital in India, where I have got many different experiences with older people. I considerer all of them as my reflective accounts and it all help me to understand the old age and its complications. The incident is that, there was one patient in our ward he was about 78 years and had some psychological problems. He was very calm and quite almost every time, but occasionally he became very aggressive and violent. In that hospital, a custom was prevailing that inform relatives when a patient become very aggressive. So we used to inform his relatives when he got out of control. After meeting with his son or daughter, his condition would have become significantly normal. And he seemed very happy and comfortable with them. But when they left him there, he was again going back to a depressed mood. When I noticed this events many times I was really interested in that patient and I tried to make a good relationship with him. Finally I succeed; he used to speak with me a lot  even about his thoughts and feelings. And one day he told me that he really did not have any serious psychological disorders. He was acted as a psychotic person so that he could see his family. And he told me that he really did missing them. He never liked to be there. It was one of my mind blowing experiences I encountered during my clinical practice. The reflective account I explained above point out to one of the main problems of old age which is nothing but ‘loneliness’, Social seclusion and loneliness have long been recognized as problems linked with old age (Sheldon 1948 ; Halmos 1952). Loneliness has been defined as an unpleasant emotion state in which the older person feels apart from others. As I completed the description of the event, I go in to the next process; ‘feelings’. In this stage one should recall the situation and try to find out that what he/she thought and felt when they went through the experience? Considering my reflective experience, there were many thoughts passed through my mind. Old age is certain for every human being. Everyone has to pass through that period. At that time I thought about his feelings. He might have been working hard to raise his children, but when he became unproductive he was thrown to the miseries of loneliness. I felt empathy to the patient because after I came to know him more I could thoroughly understand his feelings. And I thought about the reasons of the seclusion of old age. The third stage is ‘evaluation’. As per this stage I should evaluate my experience and find out the good and bad about it. When driving back my memory through my reflective experience, I can say that the main good aspect of that situation was that I could be a good listener of that man. I think he might have experienced some relief when he shared his burden of feelings with me. That awareness gave me a great amount of satisfaction. Moreover I could realize some skills which must have possessed a care worker such as patience and being a good listener, which I had never realized until then. One the other hand, there are some bad aspects too I could find out. Even though I had been working in the same department for about six months I was a little late to realise his problems, I had to find out his feeling of loneliness earlier. It shows, at that time, I have lack of ability to identify the problems of the patients. Analysis of the event is the next stage. In this stage I have to think about what sense can be made of the situation which I faced. The first sense which I could make about this incident is that the main reason of the psychological problems present in older people is because of their social seclusion and loneliness. And the important thing I learned from this incident is the severity of loneliness in older people. They would even act as insane to get rid of their loneliness. They need rather love and care than treatment. As per the Gibbs’ frame work ‘conclusion’ is the next stage. In this step I conceder my faults which I had got when I deal with that incident. In that sense I could have realised the patient’s problem of loneliness earlier. If I came to know about this earlier I could invite the attention of his relatives to this issue. Now I understand that it is necessary to mingle with them and caring them in order to make them comfortable in the surroun dings of an old age home. The final and important stage is ‘action plan’. Here I should think about what I would do if I go through the same situation. Undoubtedly I would act differently because, now I know the draw backs of old age and what they are expecting from others. So if i would be in the same situation I would understand the problem of the patient earlier and help him reduce his feeling of loneliness. Next time I would find out more ways to escape the older patients from being lonely. In order to achieve this, encourage them to busy with some hobbies or learning some new skills, such as the use of the computers. I think they would enjoy learning computers and having great fun sharing their new skill. The next and important thing is that, I have to improve my communication skills. I would make sure that all the elderly inmates in my ward get communicated and listen to their problems. I will consider this as one of my important responsibilities in the clinical area, Because Duffy. K. and Hardicre (2007) suggested that Caring for the elderly patients is a necessary element of the nurse’s role as well as a professional commitment. In conclusion, loneliness is the major issue of old age. It is different from solitude because older people can be lonely while living with other people such as residential care. Loneliness can be a symptom of depression but can be prevented by the encouragement of physical  and mental activity and being socially active; the saying ‘use it or lose it’ cannot be overemphasised. After all, when considering this essay as my reflective writing, it helps me to secure more awareness about my caring older people. Besides that I have got a clear out look about using models and theories to analyses my experiences. Finally, this reflective thinking makes me more confident to face and deal with difficult situations. Reference List: Department of trade and industry; consumer safety unit (1995) home accident surveillance system: report on 1993 accident data and safety research, DTI, London. Dewey, J. (1963) Experience and education, New York: Collier books.87-89. 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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Alcohol With Charcoal As Substitute To Pentel Pen Inc Essay

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Whatever the researchers achieve in life, they are certainly the result of loving, affection, and caring people who have been through the years nurturing, realizing the dreams and aspiration. They are the people who have encouraged, bolster the self- confidence, and lift the spirit in times of confusion, helplessness, and vulnerability. They express kind words, extend a helping hand, lend ears, and believe the ability of the researcher as a person, and most of all as a student. They are indeed, the agent of the  researcher’s unfolding. This research would not be possible without the kind assistance and untiring support of good friends who shade strength in making this study a reality. Thus, the researchers wish to express deep gratitude to the wonderful and uncountable blessings of the Lord, throughout the writing of this research. Thanking the Lord for the sound mind and health bestowed to the researchers. Deepest gratitude to Miss Sharmaine teacher for her encouragement and guidance. Mrs. Grace G. Alutaya for giving constructive and valuable suggestions in improving the write-ups and content of the research. The researchers parents for the unconditional love and unwavering support. And to all the person who helped the researchers, a precious thanks and appreciations to all. ABSTRACT The project aimed to consider ink as charcoal, advantages and disadvantages of using charcoal as ink, and the effectiveness of the finish product to the commercial ink available in the market. The study launched made use of the descriptive- experimental method. The research done needed the following materials to made the experiment successful. Some materials needed were just accessible in the kitchen. Few of materials needed were recycled. Some tools needed were bought to ensure proper measurement of the product tested. The data gathered for the study charcoal as substitute to pentel pen ink are presented,analyzed and interpreted in this chapter. The study was conducted in the home of the research leader , Purok- 8, Cayutan, Cagniog, Surigao City Based on the findings, the three liquids such as water, kerosene and gasoline are not the best choice to be experimented when it comes to let an unused pentel ink reusable again. The researchers therefore recommend to use alcohol as best way to reuse again the pentel pen. APPROVAL SHEET This Investigatory Project entitled CHARCOAL AS SUBSTITUTE TO PENTEL PEN INK prepared and submitted by Klaus Steven Kinkel G. Alutaya, Jayford Guy-ab, Julie Ann Jumandos, Joshua Jordan Chua, Jaypaul Roma has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance for ORAL EXAMINATION. SHARMAINE GORGONIO Adviser _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVED by the committee on Oral Examination with the Grade of ___ on January 2011 ________________________Chairman ___________________  Member _________________ Member ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for SCIENCE III. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Pentel pen is very useful to everyone especially to students and teachers. Thus one of the main reason of the research team to arrived to this study is the usefulness to the researchers. The researchers find difficulty in choosing the product to be tested and to be experimented. The leader of the research team arrived to this kind of problem for the leader itself uses charcoal as substitute to liquefied petroleum gas in their home for cooking. And curiously had the idea to discover further, the uses of charcoal to our lives especially nowadays experiencing crisis. And out of curiosity, the research leader had an idea what if he could discover charcoal pentel pen ink substitute. And this will be proven as soon as experiments will be thoroughly done by the group. Review of Related Literature All natural wood charcoal has been used since 30,000 BC. Originally used in cave drawings, by 3,500 BC wood charcoal, was commonly used as a fuel  throughout Europe and Asia. The Egyptians used it in Iron smelting and in producing glass. It brought the world into the Bronze Age around 2,000 BC. By 500 BC woodland management was evident, thus guaranteeing the supply of the most influential fuel in history. Two thousand years ago, wood charcoal really took off. In AD 43-410, the Romans were coppicing on a truly grand scale (Coppicing is cutting a tree, typically old growth tree, to ground level. This 2  invigorates the plant, and the root system is directed to growing a number of new shoots. These shoots grow vigorously allowing for quicker and bountiful coppicing every 7 to 20 years). Wood charcoal was not only the fuel of choice at this time, but was also used in making tar for caulking and a thinner version is used in embalming. It was used in dyes, and as construction material in wet areas where rotting was an issue. During this period wood charcoal was also used in filtration and purification of liquids for the first time. From 1900 to present day, wood charcoal has been replaced as the fuel of choice to power the civilized world. Wood charcoal, however,finds a new importance in its uses in filtration and purification, horticulture, and animal feed, and pharmaceuticals, as well as its continued use in lesser-developed countries as a major and more healthful fuel source than wood and fossil fuels. In the other hand, according to Wikipedia, many ancient cultures around the world have independently discovered and formulated inks for the purposes of writing and drawing. The knowledge of the inks, their recipes and the techniques for their production comes from archaeological analysis or from written text itself. The history of Chinese inks can be traced back to the 12th century BC, with the utilization of natural plant (plant dyes), animal, and mineral inks based on such materials as graphite that were ground with water and applied with ink brushes. Evidence for the earliest Chinese inks, similar to modern inksticks, is around 256 BC in the end of the Warring States Period and produced using manual labour from soot and animal glue. 3  The India ink used in ancient India since at least the 4th century BC was called masi, and was made of burnt bones, tar, pitch, and other substances. Indian documents written in Kharosthi with ink have been unearthed in  Chinese Turkestan.The practice of writing with ink and a sharp pointed needle was common in early South India.[4] Several Jain sutras in India were compiled in ink.[5] In ancient Rome, atramentum was used. Not much was known about this ink because no one has used it in a long time. About 1,600 years ago, a popular ink recipe was created. The recipe was used for centuries. Iron salts, such as ferrous sulfate (made by treating iron with sulfuric acid), were mixed with tannin from gallnuts (they grow on trees) and a thickener. When first put to paper, this ink is bluish-black. Over time it fades to a dull brown.Scribes in medieval Europe (about AD 800 to 1500) wrote principally on parchment or vellum. One 12th century ink recipe called for hawthorn branches to be cut in the spring and left to dry. Then the bark was pounded from the branches and soaked in water for eight days. The water was boiled until it thickened and turned black. Wine was added during boiling. The ink was poured into special bags and hung in the sun. Once dried, the mixture was mixed with wine and iron salt over a fire to make the final ink. The reservoir pen, which may have been the first fountain pen, dates back to 953, when Ma’Ä d al-Mu’izz, the caliph of Egypt, demanded a pen that would not stain his hands or clothes, and was provided with a pen that held ink in a reservoir. 4 In the 15th century, a new type of ink had to be developed in Europe for the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg. Two types of ink were prevalent at the time: the Greek and Roman writing ink (soot, glue, and water) and the 12th century variety composed of ferrous sulfate, gall, gum, and water. Neither of these handwriting inks could adhere to printing surfaces without creating blurs. Eventually an oily, varnish-like ink made of soot, turpentine, and walnut oil was created specifically for the printing press. Up until a few years ago, consumers had very little interest in ink other than refills for their pens. Fountain pens became a novelty as the disposable ball point pen took over the market. The introduction of home computing led to home printing. Today, in developed nations, most residences and businesses have a printing capability. As a result, buying ink in the form of a printer cartridge has once again become a part of the day-to-day shopping experience, similar to buying a bo ttle of ink fifty years ago. Ink refilling services for printer cartridges are offered by large, official printing  companies as well as smaller, â€Å"unofficial† refill companies. Customers can often cut printing costs by using refill services from a refill company, or buying the new non-OEM (original equipment manufacturer) brands instead of refilling. The refilling of ink cartridges and the use of continuous ink supply systems for inkjet printers is very common in most countries, with the exception of the United States. As printer manufacturers control the type of competition that they allow on retail shelves to a great extent, devices to ease the use of refill inks are usually only available online. 5   Statement of the Problem This study sought to answer the following questions: a.Can Alcohol with charcoal be considered as ink? b.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using alcohol with charcoal as ink? c.Which is more effective the commercial ink or the alcohol with charcoal ink? Significance of the Study The researchers hope that the findings of this research and study will be a great interest and valuable usefulness to the following: Researchers. The result of this research and study will enable the researchers to present recommendations which will serve as basis for the effective way of using the said study. Students. To enable them to discover that charcoal as ink is helpful to a student to minimize buying commercial ink since this is expensive over the counter. Teachers. To enable the teachers to used this technique at home for their own satisfaction and practice cross cutting at home. Community.The result of this research and study will enable the community to maximize the use of charcoal as ink 6  instead of relying on commercial ink which are highly priced nowadays. Scope and Limitation This study focused on charcoal can be considered as ink, the advantages and disadvantages of using charcoal as ink, and the effectiveness of charcoal as ink compared to commercial ink in the market. Definition of Terms Charcoal – is the dark grey residue consisting of impure carbon obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation  substances. Ink -is a liquid that contains pigments and / or dyes and is used to color a surface to produce an image, text, or design. Ink is used for drawing and / or writing with a pen, brush or quill. Volatile- means changing or changeable Alcohol-is an organic compound in which the hydroxyl functional group (-OH) is bound to a carbon atom. In particular, this carbon center should be saturated, having single bonds to three other atoms. Ethyl -an ethyl group is an alkyl substituent derived from  ethane (C2H6). It has the formula –C2H5 and is very often abbreviated Et. Ethyl is used in the IUPAC nomenclature of organic chemistry for a saturated two-carbon moiety in a molecule, whilst the prefix â€Å"eth-† is used to indicate the presence of two carbon atoms in the molecule. 8 CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY Research Design The study launched made use of the descriptive- experimental method. In connection to the study the researchers find relevancy and appropriateness of the method since it involved the collection of the data, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the conditions that exist. A. Materials The research done need the following materials to made the experiment successful. Some materials needed were just accessible in the kitchen. Few of materials needed were recycled. Some tools needed were bought to ensure proper measurement of the product tested. Materials used: †¢Alcohols ( ethyl and rubbing) †¢Charcoal Tools used: †¢Mortar and pestle †¢Graduated cylinder †¢Funnel †¢Bowl, tissue paper/ rug †¢ 9 B. PROCEDURE The experiment made was done at a spacious room away from the children. The data gathered through experiment and evaluation. The study launched make used of the descriptive- experimental method. In connection to the study the researchers find relevancy and appropriateness of the method since it involved the collection of the data, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the conditions that exist. Procedures: B.1 Preparation of the Materials 1.1. Gather all materials in one place that is free from children. Occupy a spacious room in which no one will disturb your work. B.2 Preparation of the Powdered Charcoal 2.1. Pound the charcoal in a mortar with the pestle. Do it until the charcoal is very fine to touch. B.3 Testing of the Liquids 3.1. Try the charcoal to the two alcohol to be tested (rubbing & ethyl alcohol) B.4 Application of the two alcohols to Paper 4.1. Apply the pentel pen to a paper to test which of the two alcohols is effective. 10 B.5 Data Collection Tabulation Evaluation Conclusion Research is always part of being a student. Thus , the researchers preparean experiment through this processes. First, preparation of materials is done 11 Flowchart of Methodology Preparation of the materials Preparation of the Powdered Charcoal Testing of the alcohols Application of the two alcohols to Paper Data Collection Tabulation Evaluation Conclusion . 12 CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The data gathered for the study charcoal as substitute to pentel pen ink are presented, analyzed and interpreted in this chapter. Table 1 Testing the alcohol with charcoal Liquid Trial 1 Trial 2 Charcoal with ethyl alcohol The researchers put 1  ½ tablespoon of charcoal to the unused pencil case with minimum amount of alcohol just above the amount of the charcoal and mixed. Pentel pen works as soon as it was tested to write on the bond paper.The researchers added 1 tablespoon of charcoal to determine whether  if there is difference when a bigger amount of charcoal be put to the alcohol, and it really worked. Charcoal with rubbing alcohol The researchers put 1  ½ tablespoon of charcoal to the unused pencil case with minimum amount of alcohol just above the amount of the charcoal and mixed. Pentel pen works as soon as it was tested to write on the bond paper. The researchers added 1 tablespoon of charcoal to determine whether if there is difference when a bigger amount of charcoal be put to the alcohol, and it really worked. The experiments showed that alcohol is a good liquid substance to be mixed with charcoal to be able to come up with a good output. 13 CHAPTER IV SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION Summary The experiment was conducted to determine if alcohol with charcoal can be considered as ink, furthermore to know the disadvantages and advantages of using charcoal as ink and to be able to know which is more effective the commercial ink or the charcoal ink.` Findings Based on the above findings the three liquids; water, kerosene, and are not the best choice to be experimented when it comes to let an unused pentel ink reusable again. We recommend using alcohol as best way to reused again the pentel pen. In addition, alcohol and charcoal can help unused pentel pen work. And aside from the observation, the color of the ink did not change into black even if the charcoal itself is black. It still stayed as is. Conclusion Based on study conducted alcohol is the best liquid that reacted to charcoal. It is therefore summed up that among the four liquids experimented alcohol is really a good solution to be mixed with charcoal. 14 Recommendations 1.A study should be conducted thoroughly to test the effectiveness of the two alcohols to the unused pentel pen. 2.other recommended titles include: 2.1 Alcohol as best first aid to pentel pen not working 2.2. Charcoal as substitute to shoe polisher 2.3 Charcoal as substitute to crayons REFERENCES http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ink http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcoal_(color) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcoal_(typeface) http://www.emedicinehealth.com/activated_charcoal/article_em.htm